MM Reviews: Generation Why Bother

Author: hawker!
Type: Original Fiction
Genre: Comedy | Action |Teen
Rating: PG-13

There's something about stories that revolve around superheroes that most people just seem to love. Whether it's because they wish they were the person in question or because they love imagining people with powers - it doesn't matter because the enjoyment from the story is all that's important. But the common component within most of these stories is the fact that the person either has established powers before the start of it or they develop them quickly, so what happens when you come across a story where the protagonists don't have established powers at the beginning?

Generation Why Bother is just that, with its protagonists being two kids in high school who are best friends as well. Narrated in first person by Oshie, the story follows him and his best friend, Tegan, as they go through all the crazy repercussion that comes from attending a Put'emup Put'emup concert, including a near-death experience and being invited to the band's apartment.

Composed of twenty three chapter as of current, hawker! writes in such a way that engages the reader and pulls them along for the journey that both Tegan and Oshie are sucked into along with the members of the band. With it being in first person, the reader gets full insight into Oshie's mind and feelings as his once normal life changes into a crazy experience that is mixed in with him entering his final year in high school which is crazy in itself anyway.

This is truly a story that exceeds any expectation that can be deduced just from first look. hawker! writes brilliantly and the plot is extremely interesting, as are the characters that come alive through her writing. Generation Why Bother is one story that you just cannot pass up, even if you normally don't read original fiction - after all, the author writes Put'emup Put'emup in such a way that you could almost imagine them to be a real band that you love and adore.

Special thanks to psychotic secrets; and stargaze. for editing.

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