MM Reviews: Nameless

Title: Nameless
Type: Original Fiction
Genre: Tragedy | Drabble
Rating: PG

Life can be cruel to people even if they have never done a terrible thing within their life. Telling a little lie and being a bit mean to someone doesn't contribute to something awful like murder does because everyone tells a lie within their life and not everyone is unpleasant. Here's a story that highlights the cruelty of life that many people have to suffer with for many years.

Nameless is about something that we all know about but rarely any of us have experienced first hand: homelessness. Having no place to call home that you're able to return to after a cold day out is a bleak prospect that unfortunately many people – both old and young – deal with each day. Some have to rely on the kind donations of passersby to survive, while others have to participate in illegal activity just to survive the night. No one is exempt from this life – it could happen to any of us.

The way that bright lights; writes is practically perfect, with the entire piece being well-written and extremely raw, emphasising just how much people can miss out on because of an assumption they might make: I'll do it tomorrow. But for some people, tomorrow will never come, and that's clearly highlighted in Nameless.

Comprised of one chapter that's just over five hundred words, this is truly a piece that should not be passed up on reading. It's pure grittiness and realism combined into one piece of writing whose author is truly talented as well.

Special thanks to lungsmoke and aubs for editing.

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