Is This What You Meant by Forever?

Author: poison and blood.
Type: Fan Fiction
Genre: Drama | Tragedy | Thriller
Rating: PG-13

There's nothing like a good story that can scare you without being the conventional horror story. It can be a character, an event or the overall theme of a story that can ultimately scare the reader. When it's a character, sometimes you can get such tingles down your spine because of the way they speak or the way they act, but when it's an event you can feel yourself itching to read about it if you're into stories that creep you out.

Is This What You Meant by Forever? includes the character of Twitch, who has these certain evil qualities about him right from the start of the story. He spends his time talking to Benjamin, whom he affectionately calls "babydoll", while Benjamin deals with a day in his life. Twitch stays with him for everything - from the moment he met him at his fifth birthday right the through to the age that he's at during the story, a whole eleven year after the initial meeting.

Oh, and there's one more thing about Twitch: Benjamin has never seen him.

poison and blood. writes in such a way that we can feel everything that Benjamin feels throughout the day that this oneshot details, with over two thousand words dedicated to the relationship between Benjamin and Twitch, as well as the repercussion that surely come from Benjamin having a friend like Twitch. Everything flows together so wonderfully that when the ending comes, the reader is just dying to know what's going to happen afterwards which is where the sequel comes in! However, it is not a necessary and Is This What You Meant by Forever? can be read as a standalone oneshot because it packs everything that a oneshot should do when there's no sequel about. So if you like a bit of thriller, then this is the story for you.

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