Title: 635798
Author: domi823
Type: Original fiction
Rating: PG-13
Genre: War

Everyone was screaming. Husbands were being separated from their wives, parents from their children. Sisters and brothers were losing each other along with aunts and uncles, nieces and nephews. People were being beaten and most of the time killed by the soldiers. It all started when she exited the cattle car.

World War II was a dangerous place for a Jew to be. Treated no better than dirt, they were thrown into prison camps and forced to work or even worse – sentenced to death in gas chambers that killed thousands upon thousands of people. And for one young woman, this reality is about to become her own nightmare. For prisoner 635798, the dreaded Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration is to become her new home.

Also arriving as a new entrant to what can only be described as a living hell is Wolfgang Heilbronner, a reluctant Nazi Party member. Desperate to keep on his father and his homeland’s good side, he enlists in the German army and finds himself sent to the camp to help oversee proceedings.

For Wolfgang, life is what could be called cushy. He is fed, showered and kept clean regularly. For 635798, life is going to become a lot heavier. But it won’t be long before the two meet – after all, in an operation as big as the attempted extermination of the Jews, everyone is bound to bump into one another from time to time. What is yet to be told is what the meeting will do to the two.

This war-era fiction is a heavy, yet incredible read. Through her writing style, description and sentence structure, domi823 has created a masterpiece that will keep you gripping the edge of your seat throughout. You can almost imagine yourself running alongside the prisoners as they are shipped off and forced into a world they would much rather avoid at all costs and as well as this, the story itself is factually accurate – something that only adds to the realistic nature of the story.

If you’re going to choose one story to read today, then make it 635798, even if war fiction is not your thing. This is not a story to miss out on!

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