Short-Haired Juno

Title: Short-Haired Juno
Author: fallin maria
Type: Original
Rating: R

The girl is quiet. She never speaks, only watches. Everyone speculates about who she is and what she does. Why is she alone all the time? Does she even know how to speak? She is a mystery to everyone, and mysteries are intriguing.

Short-Haired Juno is a beautiful story about a lonely girl, who just might not be that lonely. She is always alone, but maybe she likes it that way. No one knows why she's so alone. They don't even know her real name - that's why they call her Juno.

The story is short, sweet and to the point. Not one for over the top descriptions, Short-Haired Juno gets straight to the point and lays it all out for readers. The chapters are short, but filled with an incredible amount of emotion and characterization. Through this story, it is easy to see what a writer can do with such few words.

Short-Haired Juno is a great story for anyone who likes short pieces that make them think. The writing style is absolutely brilliant, and it is amazing how fallin maria can make a story progress so well in such few words.

If you're looking for an amazing short story that really packs a punch, this story is perfect for you.

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