Rooftop Musings

Author: swell
Type: Original Fiction
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG

I sigh. “You’re my best friend, Mick. I’d do anything for you.”

Mick frowns, fingering the frayed stitching of his jeans. “Is that all it is, friendship?”

You are sitting on a rooftop with your best friend and you are head-over-heels in love with them. You are all too aware of the fact that you are in love with them. And they ask that all too defining question.

Stupid pranks and strip poker. Sexual tension and sassy remarks. Best friends and you want more, but does he?

It’s a familiar situation for most; a love that could crush your heart just as easily as it could set it aflame. Rooftop Musings captures not just the situation, but all the feelings that go along with it in devastating perfection. You become invested in the lives of these two characters so unwittingly, and it forms a bigger, more unforgivable pit in your stomach with every word. This story stirs something inside its readers and definitely does not disappoint in terms of emotional impact.

One edge-of-your-seat moment cut too short to satisfy the romantic in all of us, but that’s the true beauty of swell’s masterfully written one-shot. Fortunately, she’s given her readers some serious slack with a delicious (in progress) follow-up chaptered story, Where the Wind Takes Us. Hopefully it will placate all the curiosity and brutal anticipation caused by the stunning Rooftop Musings when the emotional rollercoaster does come to an end.

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