MM Reviews: Letters From Octavius

Author: Theo Rossi;
Type: Original Fiction
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG-13

Long distance relationships are often tough. Even with the ability to video-chat someone who is on the other side of the world, most people who have to deal with being separated from their loved ones struggle to cope without them. When it comes to couples who are involved in a long distance relationship, there is more at stake as most people find themselves unable to remain faithful to their significant other through lack of physical contact. But it is possible for two people to love each other and be able to cope with being in a long distance relationship solely based on that love.

For Susanna, her relationship with Octavius is one that hadn't always been long distance. But now she's living in Maine and he's in California and somehow are trying to keep their relationship functioning through letters that were started by him.

Comprised of just over one thousand words, Letters From Octavius is a one-shot that focuses on Susanna's thoughts and feelings when she receives a letter from Octavius. With the situation that Susanna has found herself in being one that could happen to anyone, Theo Rossi; gives just the right amount of emotion for the reader to understand where she's coming from while at the same time still reeling from the enthusiastic love that Octavius has put into his letter.

Short, sweet and simple, Letters From Octavius is truly a story to check out. With reading time being all of a couple of minutes, there is no need to dedicate a copious amount of time to reading which makes this one-shot perfect for those who have a busy day and like to keep their reading quick and light.

Special thanks to Norman Reedus and house of cards. for editing.

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