MM Reviews: My Sister's Saviour

Type: Rhyme
Rating: PG

Summer for most people is about becoming "free" and basking in the sunshine that they have been waiting for. Even though many people still have jobs over summer, or even get a summer job to save up, they still enjoy the summer months and find that it's the perfect time to spend with their friends or family. For some people, summer can be the worst season of the year as there is less shade, more heat and they are more likely to suffer as a result of it, with migraines and sunstroke just some of the many effects the sun can bring.

Light-hearted and inspiring, My Sister's Saviour focuses on the coaxing of the speaker to her sister of coming out of her reserved nature in order to fully enjoy the summertime. In a caring tone, the speaker uses rhyme to appeal to her sister, and though XXXataktoulaXXX's writing, the reader is able to understand how her persuasion works. A beautiful piece that truly encompasses the meaning of summer that many people believe, there is something touching about hearing the pleas from one sister to another that help draw away any worries or concerns that might be kept.

As the winner of the poem category in the Magazine's "Summer Time" contest, My Sister's Saviour is a poem that is sure to immerse the reader in the theme of summer and highlight the freedom that is associated with the season. A lovely read and truly worthy of its position of first place.

Special thanks to elixir and nearly witches for editing.

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