MM Reviews: His Sacrifice

Title: His Sacrifice
Author: XXXataktoulaXXX
Type: Fan Fiction
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance | Drama | Fantasy

Ritsuka loved Soubi.

That was a fact that Ritsuka himself had to admit. However, he was unsure of how Soubi felt about him. Did he feel the same way? Or was Ritsuka just another sacrifice to him, just someone he had to protect? Ritsuka was questioning his own morals, whether he was being selfish or it was right that he felt the way he did, that he wanted Soubi all for himself.

Honestly, I had to read this story a few times for me to be able to grasp the essence of this one-shot. Not being familiar with the fandom made me take a while to get to know the characters through the short story. However, despite not knowing the characters well enough, I had to give kudos to the author for managing to bring out Ritsuka’s feelings so flawlessly through this piece. His worries and his love for Soubi were raw and I felt for him. As the story was written in Ritsuka’s point of view, I was intrigued to know more about Soubi’s feelings and why he did what he did. Along with Ritsuka, I also wondered whether or not Soubi felt the same way Ritsuka did.

I personally love the bit where Ritsuka mentioned that he was the ‘loveless’ one and Soubi was the ‘beloved’. That shows just how much Ritsuka loved Soubi but felt like Soubi did not feel the same way and made him feel that he was unloved.

All in all, I enjoyed reading this one shot and I recommend it to anyone who likes to find something new to read.

Special thanks to Goddess_Of_Muse and nearly witches. for the edit.

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