MM Reviews: Her Only Wish

Title: Her Only Wish
Author: XXXataktoulaXXX
Type: Free-verse
Rating: PG

We all know that one person who struggles to make ends meet. Sometimes we are that person, or sometimes it’s one kid that you see every day, working exceptionally hard to provide for themselves and their families. Most of these people work several jobs and often want nothing more than to get a break that means they can pay off whatever they need to pay off — be it mounting debt, hospital bills or a mortgage they are desperate to get out of.

Her Only Wish is a beautiful poem that tells the tale of a nameless girl just like that. Written from the perspective of a friend looking on at the girl, it shows how hard she works to get rid of a growing pile of problems; admitting her mother to hospital, paying off bills and just having enough to enjoy something other than a basic meal. The realism is shown throughout this poem, making the character, described by the narrator, more relatable to some who may have been in this situation before.

Written in free-verse style, this poem features a clever use of rhythm, creating a pull-and-tug style that keeps the reader hooked right until the very last line. As if that wasn't enough, Her Only Wish also won first place in the poems section of Janaury's "Sticking To It" ​Magazine contest! With a beautifully heartbreaking storyline, characters that some can relate to and a wonderfully simplistic way of writing, this poem is definitely worth reading.

Special thanks to Goddess of Floyd and Mmmxalright for editing!

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