MM Reviews: Human

Title: Human
Author: maudaah
Type: Original Fiction
Genre: Drama | Teen
Rating: PG-13

Being accepted isn't a universal privilege, believe it or not. Although it should be, for every person is different, there are some things that just aren't accepted by most people. Take someone's sexuality, for example. The one thing that should be private and intimate has ended up being one of the reasons that acceptance is not given. Many people will judge and determine someone else's worth based on who they are attracted to, and although this sounds like a rather old-fashion judgement it's still very much prevalent in today's society.

Human focuses on the harsh reality that many people who love the same sex have to deal with. The speaker is a woman that loves another woman, but something that should be accepted and cherished ends up being the reason why society singles her out. Both she and her partner have to deal with the reactions of people who don't know how to accept something that is unfamiliar to them.

Although it was the only entry entered into the Magazine's contest that was hosted in February, Human sends such a clear message to the reader that it is obvious the entry could have indeed placed first. maudaah has a way with words that allows the reader to be hit with the message, and makes those that have been simple bystanders when someone had faced discrimination feel ashamed of their actions. After all, as she highlights at the end of her entry, we are all the same.

Special thanks to mmmxalright and silent hearts for editing.

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