MM Reviews: Entropy's Embrace

Title: Entropy’s Embrace
Author: adonalsium
Type: Free-verse
Rating: PG

The concept of entropy is an interesting one. There are several ways to define the word, but one of the most interesting is the definition of entropy as an organizer of the universe — matter and energies breaking up and degrading until they disappear. While many will argue that there are different, more scientifically correct ways of defining it, just thinking about the degradation of the universe is a thought that can keep you busy for hours.

Entropy’s Embrace is a poem that deals with this concept. Entropy is an absolute, something that will happen regardless of how we feel about it. There is nothing that we, as humans, can do to stop it and despite our understanding, we must accept this. Although we may not be happy about it, it is our job to welcome the chaos that the disintegration brings forward with it.

Dealing with a rather complicated idea can be difficult, but adonalsium has done a wonderful job of deconstructing the idea for the reader. Using a combination of wonderful imagery and stunning word choice, this poem is both easy to read and almost challenges the human brain to think about the concept as a whole. If you’re looking for an intelligent and insightful read, then add this poem to your list!

Special thanks to Indelicate. and elixir for editing!

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