MM Reviews: Project Aries

Author: bucky.angel
Type: Original Fiction
Genre: Action | Adventure | Sci-fi
Rating: PG-13

Being a secret agent is often idolised in literature and film. In films like Casino Royale, we watch the slick as ever James Bond live the high life; drinking on the job, getting with all the women he wants, staying in lovely and expensive hotel rooms, and driving fast and fancy cars. What isn't there to love? But imagine growing up believing you were normal, only to discover that before your birth, your parents signed a contract allowing a secret chip to be implanted in your brain, a chip that had a 50/50 chance of being activated in the future and dragging you cluelessly into a world you didn't know existed.

That's the terrifying reality for Bailey in Project Aries. On the brink of starting her dream job, her chip gets activated and she is forced to serve as an agent for one year - the duration of which all agents with activated chips have to endure. Paired with Jasmine, another agent who has already begun her year of service, she is thrown headfirst into a world that isn't her own.

The author, bucky.angel, has such a way with words. She can make the craziest of situations seem real and believable, as if it could happen to anyone. She also does a great job of capturing the main character's emotions right from the start. Despite the fact that Bailey's transition from her normal self to Fern (her operative person) is abrupt, bucky.angel still manages to clearly portray her fears and worries. Even after Fern's first few missions, we still get to learn about all the doubting thoughts that plague her. After all, transitioning from an average life to one where the life of someone else could be in your hands is something even the toughest person would struggle to cope with.

So, are you ready to join Fern for her missions? They're sure to be heart-stopping at times.

Special thanks to Audrey T and mmmxalright for editing.

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