The Davis Effect

Author: decay
Type: Original Fiction
Genre: Romance | Drama | Mystery
Rating: R

This story was incredibly refreshing for me to read. Are there hints at a romantic plotline? Yes. Is it all about the romance? Absolutely not. Too often stories that have incredible potential are ruined by a forced romantic relationship that detracts from a stellar plot line. That is nowhere near to being an issue in this incredible thriller.

decay creates such a realistic, suspenseful atmosphere that it is difficult to keep yourself separated from the story. You can imagine following this exact story on the news: an assassination attempt, the search to find the man who did it, and the search to find the man who is truly responsible.

Every word of The Davis Effect will capture your attention. There is not a chapter, or really even a line, that can be missed without serious consequence. Currently two chapters away from what is sure to be a thrilling conclusion, The Davis Effect is a must-read, urgently so if you want to be lucky enough to catch the last chapters as they are published.

If you're a fan of suspense or mystery in the slightest, you will absolutely fall in love with decay's incredible ability to create realistic and intense character relationships. I would struggle to show anyone a story that does a better job of creating mood through dialogue and other character relationships. Be sure to check out The Davis Effect so you don't miss what is sure to be an excellent ending!

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