MM Reviews: A Place on My Pillow

Type: Original Fiction
Genre: Romance | Drama | Teen
Rating: R

Pollyanna is homeless. She, along with her puppy Otto, reside on the street. Life isn't easy or extravagant -- it's the complete polar opposite of the life she had once been accustomed to -- but she survives. Until one day she gets approached by Alex Jackson, a kind soul who offers her a shower and some company.

From then on, Pollyanna tries to immerse herself back into a normal life, one where she and her dog have a place to sleep, food to eat and a job to provide the essentials. Without Alex's small act of kindness - and his twin's lovingness towards her - she wouldn't have been given a leg up back to civilisation.

A Place on My Pillow encompasses random acts of kindness into a story that depicts how one simple act can set into motion a chain of events that end up impacting someone deeply.

Deputy Heart Eyes has this sweet story that showcases friendship, loyalty and love that can follow someone even after many years. Complete at sixty one chapters, A Place on My Pillow might seem like a lengthy ready, but with the chapters altering lengths, it will fly right by as the reader becomes immersed.

A simple yet affective story, this is one for those who don't mind a story filled with an abundance of happiness, one that relies on Pollyanna's ability to brighten up the twins' lives from the day she stepped into their house. It's cute and easy to read, so give it a try. It might just make you smile.

Special thanks to sindie synclayre and losing control for editing.

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