Featured Poem: My Imaginary Friend

Each and every one of us has a hidden side, one that we sometimes keep deep within and only show when we’re around those who we know. For some, this hidden side is more of a mask, something to be put on to entertain with, or used to get along with a certain group of friends. For others, it’s a welcome release, something that they can use to let off steam and let loose with. My Imaginary Friend is a beautifully-written poem that summarises this idea of a second side, of an entirely different person that lives within. In this week’s Featured Poem article, mk ultra answers a few questions on this wonderful little poem!

Give us a quick summary of My Imaginary Friend.

My Imaginary Friend, like all my poems, is something which I wrote in the middle of the night during a bout of insomnia. It is about my extroverted side, which I can take out when necessary, to entertain my friends or myself. I consider this side of myself to be an "imaginary friend," because it is not really part of me, but someone else that I can become when I want to.

What is the inspiration behind this poem?

I was inspired to write this poem by the realization of this side of me. I became aware of it when I got the urge to write this poem, because often times when I feel inspired to write, it is when I feel this burning excitement about art and life and everything, and I must let it out. I felt that the night I wrote My Imaginary Friend, and it is also what the poem is about, to an extent.

How did you choose the title for it?

Initially, I chose the title for the poem because I was into the group The Pastels at the time, and a lot of their music and imagery is very childlike. I really adore childishness in art of any kind, because I think it represents the purity and honesty in everyone. Somehow thinking about this led me to the title My Imaginary Friend.

What was your favourite thing about writing My Imaginary Friend?

My favorite thing about writing the poem, as with all my writing, is the release I felt afterward. I let a little bit of myself go with it.

Do you have any writing rituals that you follow when writing poems?

I don't really have a ritual for writing poetry, because it comes from a very subconscious place. I don't feel like I can choose when the poems come out, they just do. It's kind of like meditating. You have to try to not think when you do it.

What do you look for when reading works by other site members?

When reading works by other site members, I look for passion, emotion, and personality. A poem is good when it could only be written by the person who wrote it, because it's so true to who they are.

Is there anything you would like to say to anybody that reads your poems?

To the people who read my poems, I would say that I know my poetry is weird, but that it's okay. And also, I would thank them for reading them.

Finally, do you have any other poems that you think people would enjoy?

Boy 1904 by the user glasswings is beautifully written, and I really like both poems that the user julie.mcleod has posted (The Mask of Dreamers and The Sound That I Hear).

Special thanks to losing control. and lily hughes. for editing!

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