Featured Story: Speak the Truth

Speak the Truth is an original fiction that focuses on two boys who develop a rivalry upon meeting. As the time passes, a relationship begins to blossom between the two boys that goes beyond their intense dislike for one another. Here's author uBeat. to divulge more about this piece of fiction!

Give us a brief summary of Speak the Truth.

Speak the Truth is a story about two boys, Aron and Quinton. Aron is a Prince who has been sheltered his whole life and has now been given the opportunity to attend school. On his first day he encounters a rather huge bump in his high school life going by the name of Quinton. Quinton, unlike everyone else, has no problem standing up to Aron and putting him in his place when he sees fit. The two hate each other but after spending years together and coming to understand one another, their hate grows into something much different.

Who's your favourite character?

Ah! Don't make me answer that! I'm choosing two, can I choose two? I can't pick between Aron and Quinton because, honestly, they're probably my favorite characters I've ever written. Aron is hilarious with his inner rants while Quinton is his complete opposite. He's cold but always has new ways to tease Aron. They're both great to me!

What is the most challenging thing about writing it?

I'd have to say making it seem realistic is difficult. The two of them are very much in denial about their feelings. I don't want to force them into cute and romantic things that they wouldn't normally do simply because people want it. It's hard to try and keep their actions as realistic as possible to their personality but it's also quite fun!

Did you ever experience writer's block while writing Speak the Truth? If so, how did you overcome it?

Sadly, I did. When I first started it I had 20 chapters already written so I thought I was ahead but, before I realized it, the story had caught up and I had no inspiration to write. I got over it by re-reading my chapters along with coming up with future scenes in my head through day dreaming. Eventually, I got back into the groove.

Roughly how long have you been working on Speak the Truth?

Over a year. My first chapter was posted about a year ago but I had the work sitting around in Word for a few months prior to that. I tend to pre-write my stories now in case of writer's block. I feel bad making people wait an eternity for a chapter.

How did you choose the title?

Titles are the worst! Speak the Truth was a bit easier to come up with though. Aron is often lied to by people and everyone acts differently around him because of his title. I realized that a common problem in my story came from the fact that people often didn't tell him how they really felt or treated him specially. I thought Speak the Truth was appropriate.

Is there anything you would like to say to your readers?

Thanks for sticking with me for so long! Many of you have been reading my stories since I first arrived on Mibba. Even after my writer's block and even after the story reaching over 40 chapters you're still with me. Thanks for leaving comments. They inspire me to continue my work and to, hopefully, get better along the way. I hope that you enjoy the rest of Speak the Truth because I can assure you that it isn't over yet. Expect to see more stories from me in the future! Thanks again!

Special thanks to cleopatra. and losing control. for editing.

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