Featured Poem: Structured Integrity

There are many different pressures thrust upon us in everyday society. Whether it’s to do with weight, appearance, grades, jobs, or really anything that can be criticised, somebody will always have something negative to say. When we try hard to do something to please one person, we end up insulting or hurting another. This very real concept is one brought across by Ninja Squirral!!! in her poem, Structured Integrity. This wonderfully written poem discusses these acts of hypocrisy in a beautifully poetic way.

Give us a quick summary of Structured Integrity.

Structured Integrity is a poem that views the hypocrisy we all face from today's society. We're told one thing, but then it's contradicted with doubt and, often, anger. No matter how well we do, or how hard we try, somebody always has something to say; whether it's that there are people who are better at the thing we love, or that it took us too long to get to that point.

What is the inspiration behind this poem?

The inspiration behind this poem was a conversation I had with one of my friends. We were talking about how no matter where we are, or what we do, we're told to follow our dreams, but then as soon as we get to the point where we're courageous enough to actually go through with it, the very same people who told us to do what makes us happy, are the ones who are now asking if we're being realistic. It was an angry conversation, because everywhere we look we see popular media telling us one thing, but then immediately back tracking and telling us that, no, no that's not right. You're not beautiful, or you're not smart enough, or you're not skinny enough.

How did you choose the title for it?

The title behind the poem came to me as I was writing it, actually. Integrity is about honesty, and morality, but with the way society is, it's like our morals are structured in a way that benefits the most. It was one of those things that came to me, and it just worked. Our integrity is a part of who we are, but as time goes on, and as we're more influenced by those around us, it becomes a structure that matches more what media tells us it should be, rather than who, or what, we are.

What was your favourite thing about writing Structured Integrity?

My favorite thing about writing Structured Integrity was getting the frustration of what we all have to deal with out in a way that was both reflective, as well as honest.

Do you have any writing rituals that you follow when writing poems?

I don't really have any rituals, other than always starting with pen and paper. I never type up poems until after I'm done with them. For me, pen and paper make it easier for the words to flow, and make it feel more honest than if I'd typed it up.

What do you look for when reading works by other site members?

Titles are a big thing for me when it comes to reading other peoples' material. It doesn't need to be something entirely complex, or thought provoking; I just like to read the things that catch my attention. When I actually get into the poem, the first line is what keeps me reading, though. Honestly, I'm not too picky about poetry, or with stories in general. Nearly anything can capture my attention.

Is there anything you would like to say to anybody that reads your poems?

To anybody that reads my poems, I just want to say thank you. Poetry is a big part of how I express myself and I really appreciate everyone who reads them, because I know you don't have to, but you do, and that's kind of an amazing feeling.

Finally, do you have any other poems that you think people would enjoy?

Other poems I have that people might enjoy? If they're looking for something similar to Structured Integrity, I'd say Humanity. Or if they want a sappy love poem about an unrequited love, But I'm Crazy (and You Are Beautiful) would be one.

Special thanks to sindie. and losing control. for editing!

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