Featured Story: Demon Eyes

Fantasy always has a certain appeal to it as it includes characters that would never exist in real life, such as witches and dragons and queens with magical mirrors. Whether through fairytale or epic novels, fantasy can appeal to the masses. Demon Eyes is one where a girl is tasked with finding three witches to seek their help. prayers. is here to speak more about her story!

Give us a brief summary of Demon Eyes.

Demon Eyes is a story that tells about a girl of prophecy who's sent on a quest to save her people and find a way to kill The Evil Queen, basically.

What's the inspiration behind this story?

To be honest, it's the endless fairytales and novels, short stories and countless other things that are done on the very same theme, though I wanted to show a bit of a different side to it, as well, and to show that not everything is always so shiny and golden, I suppose.

How did you choose the title for this story?

I've got the "chosen one" as the protagonist, so of course she had to have something specific about her — and I just thought, 'demon eyes' would be a lovely frame for both her as a character and for the story itself.

What was the most challenging thing about writing it?

I think it would mainly be me trying to maintain the air of ~mystery~ because I wasn't sure when I wasn't telling enough and when I was telling too much.

Did you ever experience writer's block while writing Demon Eyes? If so, how did you overcome it?

Ahh not really because I had the idea outlined for a while and all I needed to do was to flesh it out! c:

What's your favourite thing about Demon Eyes?

I would say how paced it is, because I'm pretty satisfied with it coming out the way I meant it to come out, something that rarely happens while writing hahah

Is there anything you would like to say to your readers?

I'm really sorry for so many mistakes in my sentence structure (sob)

Special thanks to losing control and cleopatra. for editing.

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