Featured Poem: Hopeful Symphony

Our modern-day world can be a horrible place to live. Our television screens tell us of horrors in countries both near and far to our own locations, and they show images of stories that break our hearts. However, even throughout the pain and suffering, there is always a glimmer of hope, no matter how slight it may be. Hopeful Symphony touches on this, and is a poem that seventhsin hopes will inspire us all to keep fighting throughout the stories of torture that we see. I caught up with her to ask a few further questions about this heartfelt poem!

Give us a quick summary of Hopeful Symphony.

This poem is about the destruction and grief-filled events that are happening in our world. It's about the people who still have hope and fight to see a new day. I also hoped to inspire people to keep fighting till the end with this poem!

What is the inspiration behind this poem?

I was inspired by the wrong-doings that are happening in present times. From the terrorist attacks to the shootings. I was hoping to give some people hope to get through these events.

How did you choose the title for it?

After re-reading the poem a few times, I chose a title that would define what I hoped to achieve by writing this poem. A symphony that would give hope.

What was your favourite thing about writing Hopeful Symphony?

My favorite thing about writing Hopeful Symphony was the theme. I liked how well my words went with the theme of the poem. I'm also new to writing a poem conveying a dark-themed genre, so it was a great experience for me!

Do you have any writing rituals that you follow when writing poems?

I don't really have any rituals that I follow. I just start writing with an idea and an open mind.

What do you look for when reading works by other site members?

I look for a good writing style and a meaningful message when looking at other works. There are so many talented authors on here that it's hard to choose a favorite.

Is there anything you would like to say to anybody that reads your poems?

I would like to tell the people who read my poems that I really appreciate that they would save time to read my works. I would like to grow as an author so they don't have to feel shy about giving me advice. I would also like to tell them to anticipate future works. I would again, like to give them a big thank you!

Finally, do you have any other poems that you think people would enjoy?

Since I'm so young, I don't think of myself as a great author. I feel that many people would rather read works of a much more experienced and talented author. But if someone liked this poem, I would recommend they read the other few poems that I wrote, as they have somewhat of the same theme as Hopeful Symphony.

Special thanks to losing control. and Audrey T for editing!

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