Genre Focus: Action

When you’re in the mood for spine-tingling adrenaline rushes and seat-of-your-pants adventures, there’s nothing better than a good bit of action and, as one of the more popular genres here on Mibba, there’s a lot for adrenaline junkies to find on the site itself. This week’s Genre Focus brings you four of the best action-packed stories to keep you hanging onto every last word.


Rated G | 790 words | incomplete

Perhaps one of the most exciting forms of action fiction is that which revolves around the idea of world destruction. Post-apocalyptic worlds, whether brought around by disease, war or natural disaster, are a frequent occurrence in stories and television alike. sannewegs focuses on a world where global warming has forced the world into creating a new nation — a nation that is struggling to survive.


Rated PG | 491 words | completed

When on a quest, often things are placed in the way of the character with the intention of either distracting or permanently stopping them from reaching their goal. For those in the Dragon Age universe, this can come in the form of red lyrium, a potent and addictive substance that, in fen'harel’s wonderfully-written short story, may provide the end for the mission at hand.

Girls Like Boys

Rated PG-13 | 82,106 words | incomplete

Street racing. A risky sport rife with danger, but also a sport that brings with it an adrenaline rush like no other. Travis knows this — his passion for cars runs deep. Cody, however, is yet to be introduced. PoeticMess.’s story features action and romance, with a smattering of comedic value, but it also showcases something else — the slow burn into a hobby that will leave Cody’s heart racing.

Ardent Sunlight

Rated R | 2,653 words | incomplete

Often, crime and action go hand in hand. For those committing the crimes, the sense of power and rush of endorphins associated with it are almost like a drug. This is no different for Alexis, who uses her beauty to act as a vigilante — stealing from the rich, arrogant men she dislikes so much. nine crimes. may only just have begun this story, but it is one that promises to pack a punch.

If you’re looking for more action — be it fiction or non-fiction — you can find it in the Action section!

Special thanks to isak valtersen and losing control. for editing!

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