Genre Focus: Romance

Among the dozen or so genres we have here on Mibba, romance is perhaps one of the busiest and most popular! The romance genre is updated almost every single day with a plethora of stories for users to peruse. In this week’s Genre Focus we’re all about the romance, bringing you four fantastic stories to read that feature relationships, love and everything in-between.

Gravitational Love

Rated G | 98 words | completed

There are a million words for love and how it comes around in almost every language known to man. Romance, amour, liebe, elsker — there’s no shortage of phrases that you can use to describe the feeling that comes with giving somebody your entire being. In this beautifully simple drabble, Queen of the Clouds has used just 98 words to describe the incredible feeling that love gives a person.

Like Fire in the Wind

Rated PG | 2,528 words | incomplete

Romance can grow in even the most chaotic of situations, and nothing is more chaotic than picking up your entire life and moving to a different country. New experiences, cultures and even languages can cause anybody to draw into their shell, but when 7 people move in together, as Sanne's story depicts, anything is possible.

Of Pranks & Princes

Rated PG-13 | 41,873 words | incomplete

For any child, discovering that you’re part of a whimsical world of magic and wonder is enough to send your brain reeling for years. Emily Prince is thrust headfirst into this world without so much as a second thought in chrissie.marie's Harry Potter fanfiction, but not without a helping hand from a certain set of red-headed twins.

Chase the Stars

Rated R | 25,928 words | incomplete

When we think of the future, we think of floating airships and mechanical body parts — we don’t often think about the fact that romance will more than likely still be budding as it does in today’s times. This co-write between nymph and aurora borealis. shows that side of sci-fi by bringing together two at-odds thieves with an axe to grind with one another. Who said that a competitive nature can’t breed affection?

For more romance stories like the ones above, be sure to check out Mibba’s Romance section!

Special thanks to isak valtersen and losing control. for editing!

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