Genre Focus: Drabble

Sometimes all we want is to read something short. Shorter pieces of fiction are easier to digest — but that doesn’t mean they’re any less impactful! Mibba’s Drabble section is full of pieces that are short in length but large in meaning. This week’s Genre Focus spotlights a few pieces of light reading that’ll leave you in awe!

Dear London

Rated G | 343 words | Completed

Leaving a place behind is often one of the most difficult things to do and in this drabble, Kim Taehyung uses the beautiful imagery of a dissolving relationship. With heartfelt words arranged into a letter format, Dear London is an emotion-filled drabble worth reading.

Reward If Found

Rated PG | 91 words | Completed

A short tale of loss and regret, this drabble by planetanksubmarine is one that leaves an instant impact on the reader. Discussing the possessions lost by the misguided narrator, it is revealed that all do not matter — all that matters is the return of their younger brother.

Summer Nights

Rated PG-13 | 208 words | Completed

There are many ways in which to describe all kinds of relationships, but here, losing control has chosen to use nature — the softness of summer, the mystery of the night and the mix of the two as the narrator shows the effortless merging of personalities that make a beautiful relationship.

Bad Habits

Rated R | 1,027 words | Incomplete

In a different structure from the others, lou... has chosen to tell the tale of a rather strange and damaged ‘friendship’ through short, drabble-esque chapters. With short bursts reflecting the erratic nature of the storyline itself, this unfinished story provides a punch with every fresh chapter.

If you’re looking for more fantastic drabbles, check out Mibba’s Drabble section!

Special thanks to isak valtersen and losing control. for editing!

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