Script Frenzy 2010

Script Frenzy is an event which runs for the entire month of April every year. Each person taking part in the challenge will attempt to write 100 pages of scripted material in 30 days. The script can be a screen play, stage play, TV show, film - whatever the heart desires. It’s completely up to the individual.

Script Frenzy began in June 2007 by The Office of Letters and Light, the non-profit organization behind another popular writing event, National Novel Writing Month - or NaNoWriMo, as it is more commonly known. The original goal for Script Frenzy was for writer’s to complete a script of 20,000 words, but in June 2008 it was changed to 100 pages to correspond with the standard measurement for script writing.

As far as prizes go, each person who successfully completes the challenge in full will receive a winner's certificate and web icon proclaiming this impressive feat. Although, even those who fall short of the deadline need not be upset, as they should be able to take pride in at least having attempted it. They’ve now proven to themselves that they can write a script and that is a great accomplishment in itself.

I took the time to interview a few of the participants to ask them how they feel about partaking in Script Frenzy 2010.

Interview with Mr. Tony Stark

What interested you about Script Frenzy?

I think the thing that interested me the most about Script Frenzy was the fact that it was something completely new to me. I've never written a script before so it's definitely a lot different than what I'm used to.

Have you taken part in Script Frenzy before? Why or why not?

This is my first year doing Script Frenzy. I've never done it before because I never knew about it until I got the email about two weeks before it started.

Were you interested in writing scripts before you heard of Script Frenzy or did the event encourage you to try it out?

Script Frenzy kind of pushed me to write a script. I'd never given it much thought until this came along. Writing a script is not something I would have decided to do on a whim for sure.

What kind of script are you writing and what is it about?

I'm currently writing a screen play. It's going to involve some fantasy medieval type of setting in a world that's kind of on the edge of a war that would require the inhabitants of this world to work together to save it.

Do you think you will finish Script Frenzy on time?

Most likely not, unless the AP classes start dying down - which is unlikely.

Interview with Caravaggio

What interested you about Script Frenzy?

It was a combination of things. First, some friends on Mibba asked me to do it, then one teacher in my school offered extra credit for it, and then my creative writing teacher made it an actual assignment. So in the end, I didn't have a choice!

Have you taken part in Script Frenzy before? Why or why not?

I have not, actually. I've done NaNoWriMo for two years now, and people encouraged me to do Script Frenzy last year, but usually I lose interest in scripts very fast, so I didn't want to do it. I just can't ever seem to write dialogue with very little description. I love description!

Were you interested in writing scripts before you heard of Script Frenzy or did the event encourage you to try it out?

I'm not sure if I was so much interested in writing a script, as I was conscious of the fact that I've tried pretty much every other form of writing and I knew I should at least give script writing a try that was worth it. So I was interested in writing one, to some extent, I guess. But it was definitely all of the information and help on the site that really got me excited to start.

What kind of script are you writing and what is it about?

My script was a screen play this year. It was the one I was the most familiar with and since I wasn't outrageously into the criteria - to start with, at least - I knew I had to do something I was comfortable with. As for the content, it's a little more complicated to explain. It was basically a compiling of the jokes my friends and I have passed back and forth throughout the years. Like, when we're sitting watching something and we go, "Hey, wouldn't it be cool if this happened..." I just fictionalized those scenes.

Do you think you will finish Script Frenzy on time?

I finished about eight days into it!

Interview with Odysseus

What interested you about Script Frenzy?

Well, last year I decided to do NaNoWriMo and I had so much fun. Even if my novel turned out to be absolute crap, it was a great challenge. On the NaNoWriMo website Script Frenzy was mentioned a lot and I always kind of thought about doing it but I never actually thought I would. About some time in March, the NaNoWriMo people sent me an email about Script Frenzy. I thought it was cool and would be a challenge. I told my friend Ginny to do it with me. She did NaNoWriMo with me, but didn't finish. I had to really persuade her to do it with me, but she decided to do it and I was stuck doing it with her.

Have you taken part in Script Frenzy before? Why or why not?

I haven't taken part in Script Frenzy before. This is my first year and last year was also my first year of NaNoWriMo. I haven't heard of either before, so it was interesting to see how both would turn out.

Were you interested in writing scripts before you heard of Script Frenzy or did the event encourage you to try it out?

I've never really been interested in writing scripts. The only thing I've ever really thought about writing would have to be a comic book script but I never gave it any thought before. Script Frenzy really encouraged me to learn how to write a script and all the formatting. I thought it would be a great challenge considering I had absolutely no idea how to write one and I never had any reason to want to, prior to Script Frenzy. I was one of the NaNoWriMo transfers. I'm mostly a novel writer.

What kind of script are you writing and what is it about?

I decided to write a screen play despite all the formatting that has to be done. It's a film adaptation of the novel "The Lightning Thief" by Rick Riordan. I recently saw the movie and I was really disappointed in it and all of its plot holes. I've read the book about a million times and while watching the movie I kept thinking, "I could do this better!". So when I heard about Script Frenzy I thought about doing an adaptation that actually did justice to the book.

Do you think you will finish Script Frenzy on time?

I don't think so. I am so far behind because of all the stuff I have going on. I could write eighty pages in one day, if I set my mind to it. So maybe if a miracle happens, I might finish it. In NaNoWriMo last year, I wrote 10,000 words in one day. I think if I put my mind to it I could finish on time, but I'm pretty sure I won't.

In the next issue of the magazine, I will be catching up with these three members again, to find out whether or not they managed to complete Script Frenzy this year, and their thoughts in general on the challenge.

You can also visit ScriptFrenzy to find out more about what's involved in the challenge, especially if you are interested in taking part next year.

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