Weekly Featured Contests

In this new column, the Mibba Magazine will pick and feature a few new and unique writing contests hosted by Mibbians. This week's picks include a horror contest, a sweet fic, and a fan fiction contest centered on the mighty Avengers.

Calling All Freaks by Prickly Vines

Prickly Vines' is calling all freaks to her short story, horror writing contest. She's looking for Mibba's "absolute sickest" writers to create the most realistic, disturbing story they can, based off a photo prompt (provided by her). To enter, visit her contest thread here, read the first post, and leave her a message letting her know you're interested.


September 1, 2012 to enter.
September 3, 2012 to submit your entries.

Rating G, PG, PG-13, R, NC-17
Type fan fiction and original fiction
Word Limit/Min at least 800 words, no more than 5 chapters
Prewrites no
Exemptions none

Soldiers Coming Home by Matty Mullins

The tradition of soldiers surprising their loved ones is surely not a new one, but the ability to share videos and photos quickly over the internet has opened us all up to those heart-warming moments. A quick Youtube search of soldiers coming home surprise will lend you hundreds of videos of wives, husbands, and children crying tears of joy as their loved ones return home from long stints away.

In her contest Soldiers Coming Home, Matty Mullins' encourages Mibbians to take a shot at creating their own special moments. She asks that participants write a short story about a soldier coming home to surprise his/her loved one(s). The more emotional, the better.

To join, be sure to read the rules in the first post of the contest thread here and leave a post to let Matty Mullins know you're interested.


October 1, 2012 to enter.
October 8, 2012 to submit your entries.

Rating G, PG, PG-13, R, NC-17
Type fan fiction and original fiction
Word limit/min at least 800 words
Prewriters no
Exemptions no slash, no gore, no rape, no excessive violence

The Avengers Contest by Unmask Your Desire

This May, the highly anticipated Avengers movie was finally released and largely successful. With Hollywood's hottest actors and actresses playing Marvel's beloved characters and the seemingly limitless pool of relationships and diverse characters to choose from, it's no wonder fan fictions and shipping wars have taken over every fan fiction hub on the internet. That is, nearly every fan fiction hub on the internet. Mibba, unfortunately, has remained virtually untouched by the Avengers craze and unmask your desire hopes to change that.

In her The Avengers writing contest, her request is simple: write a short story about an Avenger or any character in the Avengers' film franchise. Any character, any pairing, any rating...it's all up to you.

As she states, "Who doesn't love writing about a bunch of sexy fellas?"


September 3, 2012 to submit your entries.

Rating G, PG-13, R, NC-17
Type fan fiction (OC's allowed)
Word limit/min one shots prefered, no more than five chapters
Prewrites yes
Exemptions none

If you'd like to suggest any contest you find interesting, feel free to send me a private message. I'd love to hear your suggestions.

Contest Lingo

Slash Generally "slash" refers to story that features sexual/romantic relationships between two (or more) men. It can also be used to describe any homosexual relationships, though stories featuring sexual/romantic relationships between two (or more) women are more often called "femme-slash."
OC OC stands for 'orginal character.' The phrase is usually used in fan fiction, referring to a character that is solely created and owned by the fan fiction's author.
One shot One shots are completed stories that only have one chapter.
Prewrites Prewrites are story written/posted to Mibba before the contest. If a contest host says no prewrites, this means the story must be new and written specifically for that contest.

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