Featured: Welcoming NaNoWriMo

Hello, Mibbians! November 1st marks the start of the National Novel Writing Month a.k.a NaNoWriMo.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with this annual event, NaNoWriMo is a ‘contest’ in which writers are challenged to plan, start, finish, or at the least, write 50,000 words of their own novel. The contest takes place during the month of November, from November 1st to November 30th, and is open and available to any and all writers (no matter your age, experience, location, or genre). All you have to do is sign up.

Once you sign up, the official NaNoWriMo site has loads to offer participants. From your personal dashboard, you can easily track the progress of your novel, as well as the progress of your writing buddies. In the forums you can find all sorts of interesting information and offers for writers, interact with other NaNo writers, get help with plotting, planning, and writing your novel, and a million other things.

And NaNo’s on Mibba too! In the NaNoWriMo 2012 General thread, Mibbian NaNo writers can come together and offer each other tips, encouragement, and support throughout the month. Of course, Mibbians are more than welcome to post their NaNo stories to the site once they’re done - or even while they’re still writing - and any Mibbians who need help with editing can ask for it in our Editing and Proofreading thread. In the NaNoWriMo 2012 Novels Tip thread, Mibbians can share (and read!) their NaNo novels with each other by posting banners, links, and a short description.

So…what are you waiting for? The NaNo challenge has begun and so should you!

Follow NaNoWriMo on Twitter at @NaNoWriMo and their blog on Tumblr at The Office of Letters and Light.

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