Featured: Careers in Writing

There are many fields to go into if you like to write. The possibilities are truly endless. This article will just give you a sneak peek into what could lie in your future.

Ever wanted to go into advertising? Copywriting may be the choice for you! The duties and tasks of a copy writer may include writing copy to use in advertisement, presenting ideas to potential or current clients, discussing possible options for said copy, using a variety of tones and being unique in the wording, consulting with co-workers for more information or even collaboration, and of course the best writer can edit their own work. Employers in this field expect a creative thinker, a communicator, and a computer-efficient and observant person to apply for a job in copy writing. An employee should have working relationships that they could benefit from over time and be able to sell or influence others. But do not think that being a copywriter would be easy. Skills such as listening, thinking, managing time, speaking, persuading, coordinating, selecting, monitoring, solving, decision-making, and instructing are important to this career. While there is not a general education level for this career, expect to be challenged in your knowledge of not only the English language – or your regional dialect – but also media and marketing knowledge. Everything you once thought about these topics might go down the drain with this career as you build from scratch.

Ever thought about how confusing, or sometimes fascinating, instruction manuals are? Maybe you could write one for yourself and others. Technical writing, AKA technical communicating, is such a career. On average, a technical writer can earn a good $30 an hour for developing a system of information. The system could be an instruction manual in which the writer has to start with the pieces and assemble it for themselves and then write it out in simple, noncomplex terms for others to read and assemble later. This is an up-and-coming career choice as the job outlook is supposed to increase 17% in the ten years ranging from 2010-2020. While most of the technical communicators of this day and age are working in technology related fields, there are various other industries that require such a writer. If this sounds interesting, earn a bachelor’s degree and go from there.

Are you easily frustrated when it comes to the cliffhangers at the end of a television show? You could write your own show from scratch by becoming a screenwriter. Without screenwriters, there would be no movies or television shows, did you know that? Someone had to create the characters, give them a sense of life, and tell their story. Usually, screenwriters stick to a genre, but some adapt to write other types as well. Most will tell you that you have to major in creative writing or even go to film school to even be considered to write a script. Ha, that is bogus information. All you really have to do is write! There really is no general background that screenwriters come from or even what they did for money before screenwriting. The best thing to do is observe life and take everything into account so you can catalogue it and use whenever you deem necessary. Be passionate and write something you find interesting. Do not count on screenwriting as a source of income when you are just starting, work your way up and make it some of the best work of your life before letting someone pay you for your screenplays.

Like the news or maybe wish it were more entertaining? You could become a journalist to fix the problem! As an observant writer you could end up anywhere from a courthouse to a campaign debate. There are interviews, releases, deadlines, balance, and scandals just waiting for you if you decide to work in journalism. Most employed in this field will work full-time at any time of day. Some travel far while others stay close to home to report on what they, or their employer, find important. Depending on your level of expertise, you may start out at a low-income level; the big shots are the ones that are paid the big bucks and they do not just get there over night. This is a competitive career too. Why? Because the news is only news for so long before it becomes old. There are also sub-fields in journalism; you could edit or feature write, be a columnist, or specialize in reporting on a certain genre of news. Make sure to be on top of any deadline headed your way or you could be out on your behind sooner than you would ever think.

Worst case, use your English degree for something as simple as writing a book or even editing one written by another author. The business of writing is tricky and competitive, but with the best of luck, you will find somewhere to fit in. I hope this article helps in finding your way to a great career or even hobby. Thanks for reading!

Thanks to Harry Styles and Tabula Rasa for editing.

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