Featured Story of the Week: Shadow Runner

While most superhero stories on Mibba focus on the Avengers or Batman, The Shadow Runner is an original fiction that introduces the world to a whole new superhero. In this week's Featured Story, we get a deeper look at the genius behind the original work of fiction.

Give us a brief summary of The Shadow Runner.

The Shadow Runner is about an orphaned kid who has problems in school and with drug abuse, and who is tricked into taking a new drug that gives him the extraordinary power of moving invisibly through shadows. He initially uses this power for fun, to play tricks and sneak into the girls' locker room, but begins to use his powers to fight crime after realizing how much his city needed him.

What inspired you to write this story?

I'm a massive superhero fan, especially when it comes to the Justice League. I was going to Universal Studios with some friends, and at a red light there was this crazy homeless man throwing himself against a wall and screaming about how his shadow was some kind of portal. Later on, while we were on the studio tour and I was needing all over the place (I'm a major cinephile), I started thinking about what it would be like if a person could actually move through shadows. It started out as a mental movie, and somehow ended up in writing.

How long have you been working on The Shadow Runner?

I started outlining and developing characters around Thanksgiving, but I started writing it a couple weeks ago.

On average, how much time do you spend writing The Shadow Runner each week?

I try to write two chapters a week, give or take. I feel guilty when I leave a story on hiatus for too long, so I try being as good about it as I can.

How did you choose the title for this story?

It was hard. I wanted to include something about shadows, for obvious reasons, but how many cool names can you really think of? I didn't want anything that sounded dumb like "The Shadow", so I imagined him running through the shadows instead, and added "Runner" to the end.

What is your favorite thing about writing The Shadow Runner?

Definitely being able to spill my guts in the story. I have so many ideas that build up within me during the day, and it feels really good to put them into writing.

What is the most challenging thing about writing it?

It's hard to write a superhero story that hasn't already been written. I'm trying my best not to be cliche, and at the same time I don't want it to be too similar to another major superhero. Sometimes my character is too much like Spider-Man, so I have to push him the other way. Then, he starts sounding like the Green Hornet and I have to push it back. I'm trying my best to find the balance point, and I'm getting there.

Have you ever experienced writer's block with The Shadow Runner? If so, how did you overcome it?

Definitely. I planned out this story, but I've added so many changes to that plan that it has become something totally different. I'm a pretty impatient guy, so writers block is the worst. I kind of just sit there and stare at the blank screen for about ten minutes, then freak out and rant to someone until I have nothing left to say. By then, my mind is cleared and I can find that awesome chapter just waiting to happen.

Do you write with an outline, or just wing it?

I would be a mess without an outline. I outline the entire story before I start it, and though I usually go off the tracks of the outline, it helps me a lot in developing my story and keeping a steady pace.

Do you have any pre/post writing rituals?

I usually raid the pantry for everything unhealthy, and surround myself with foods that usually don't taste good when eaten together. Then I make a sacrifice to the gods of writing (there's two gods that I need to pray to daily. The gods of writing, and the gods of backing out of the parking lot without hitting a child) and sit on my bed staring at my computer screen until a chapter appears on the screen.

Is there anything you would like to say to your readers?

I'd like to say thanks for reading and putting up with how picky I can get with my story. Every commenter, subscriber, and recommender is dear to my heart, and I'd give them a big hug if I was more than just a name on their screen. When I'm marrying Christina Aguilera, you're all invited to the wedding. It's going to be in Hawaii. I hope you can come.

Thanks to fandango and everybody dies; for editing.

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