Featured Story of the Week: To Be Mortal

What does it mean to be human? Does your compassion make you human or is the blood pumping in your veins? Does the ability to love make you a human or is it the beats of your heart? Avianna Lynn is not a human. Her blood does not pump. Her heart does not beat. No, Avianna Lynn is not a human at all, because Avianna Lynn is a vampire. To Be Mortal tells the story of Avianna's struggles not only with vampirism, but with the world. In this week's Featured Story, we get a closer look at the brilliant work of fiction.

Give us a brief summary of To Be Mortal.

To Be Mortal is a story about a character I've fashioned named Avianna Lynn. It takes place in 2030 after a devastating war between humans and supernaturals. It begins with Ava, a vampire, waking up in capture by her enemies. She knows that she is powerless against them, and that they're going to kill her, but they want something from her. They start questioning her about her life, and for reasons she doesn't quite yet understand they are willing to keep her alive long enough to listen to her. Slowly, Ava describes every detail she can, from her parents, to her first love and to her rise of fame through the blood and sweat of her enemies.

What inspired you to write this story?

This story revolves around my character Ava Lynn who started out as a roleplay character. Over time I've played with her and eventually my interest in her grew until I knew more about her than perhaps even myself. The idea of someone tortured physically and emotionally for nearly her entire life by everyone she ever loved somehow is... appealing... and appalling of course. When I started spending more time writing stories and not roleplaying, it was a simple choice to write about her. I already had the story; I just needed to write it down.

How long have you been working on To Be Mortal?

Well I first came up with the general storyline over a year ago, including the characters Jeremy, Candice and Phillip; however then she was known as April Summers. I started the story a week ago when I was experiencing writers block, and it's really progressed.

On average, how much time do you spend writing this story each week?

Right now I have a lot of time to work on it because I don't have school, so I've been working on it pretty much all day while re-watching the first and second season on Once Upon a Time. Soon I will be back to a normal schedule and I'll probably average out to 5-10 hours a week, depending on a few variables.

What is your favorite thing about writing To Be Mortal?

Featured Story of the Week: To Be Honest
By: Katie Mosing

My favourite thing about To Be Mortal would have to be Ava. I know her so well and I love being able to show her to the world. No one seems to see her the way I do when I roleplay, because they usually see her psychopathic, killing side. Not her terrible past and loss of hope for the world as I see her. I hope that with this story people can understand her better. It probably sounds funny, to care about how people see a fictional character, but she's like... a friend I suppose. Just as real to me as anyone.

What is the most challenging thing about writing it?

Hmm... I'm not sure. Probably keeping to the story without revealing too much. Each writer has a style and my style is let the writer guess what is going on, what has gone on and what will go on. Ava is a mysterious character, so I'm trying to keep as much as possible a mystery to the reader. Now that I think about it, this may contradict the answer to my last question, but I am trying to find a balance between the two. That's probably the most challenging thing about my work.

Have you ever experienced writer's block with this story? If so, how did you overcome it?

Not quite yet, but as I mentioned before, I started this story while having writer’s block for another story. If I can't write, there isn't much point to without dealing out unacceptable work. Typically I'll just work on another story, but this one is different. Since the story revolves around Ava I like to go back and read some old threads of hers. They seem to have an unlimited amount of inspiration to her.

Do you write with an outline, or just wing it?

A little of both. I don't have a written outline, but I do have a mental one. I know her story in general off by heart, but I find planning things in detail uses too much muse and I stop wanting to write. So I know everything that 'can' happen, but I may or may not include everything I've thought of. It'd probably be too long and boring if I did anyway.

Do you have any pre/post writing rituals?

I used to be a very extensive editor, typically mauling over a chapter for about a week before posting it, but I'm so used to writing roleplay replies without even reading it over. So with To Be Mortal I don't edit as much, I just write what I feel needs to be said while I can.

Is there anything you would like to say to your readers?

Ooh, hmm... so much. Mostly, I'd like to say thank you. I believe that the goal of any writer is to get his or her ideas out and into people's minds. Just to share what they have with the world. Basically... I hope you like the story and most importantly I hope you like Ava.

Special thanks to harry styles. and everybody dies; for editing!

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