Featured Poem: Ghost

"Ghost" is an amazing poem written by blackhalo. This beautiful poem shows a glimpse into the author's mind and illustrates some of her feelings in a way that only this poem could.

How would you summarize "Ghost"?

If I was to summarize it in a personal way, I would have to say it's a short glimpse into some of my mental and emotional struggles, and just wanting to fade away before things get too hard to take.
In a more general way, I would say it's about feeling detached from your emotions and the physical world, but wanting some way to still keep touch with your life after you've slipped away.

How did you choose the title for it?

I guess I just used the first word that came to mind when I thought of the poem as a whole. It's short, but implies so much more meaning, much like a young life ended early on.

What inspired you to write this poem?

Honestly, for the past few days I've been forcing myself to sit down and write at least once a day, even if it's short, just to get out of this awful writer's block I've had. I have been thinking a lot lately about my choices in life. Actually, the night before I wrote this was a transition from grounded and in the present to floating and detached again, so I'm still influenced by that feeling.

What was your favorite thing about writing "Ghost"?

I'd have to say the spontaneous nature of this particular piece was great. My mom was calling me down for dinner, and I already had this idea for a short free verse in my head, so I just banged it out in a few minutes so I wouldn't forget it, and I guess it turned out nicely because now I'm being interviewed, which is such an honor.

When writing, do you have any rituals you follow?

Absolutely. I'm a huge music junkie, so whether I'm writing poems, short stories or songs, I like to listen to a mixture of genres before I actually sit down to write. The different melodies, song structures and instrumentals help me to sort of reach outside of what I would normally write about. Sometimes I get inspired from a certain lyric and I'll just run with it. Other times, I pick and choose inspiring things from each genre and combine them together to form something totally new that I never thought I could create. It's a surprise every time.

Is there anything you would like to say to anyone who reads your poem?

Don't over-analyze it, because I find that simplicity is beautiful when left untouched. I would love if anyone who feels connected to this particular poem, or any of my works, would share their feelings about it with me if they feel they want to. I'd also like to add that I'm available for anyone who wants to chat with me. I promise I'm nice and I don't bite!

Do you have any other poems you think people would enjoy?

Sadly, I haven't put up all of my pieces yet. I'm still fairly new to the site and have been busy with schoolwork, but the few things I have on my profile are some of my best work so far. My two favorites, though, would have to be "Growing Up" and "Apologies in Sincerity".

Special thanks to tabula rasa. and aubs for editing!

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