Weekly Featured Contests

Objects are the centre of this week's first contest with relationships between males the focus of the second contest!

Objects are Your Objectives

Have you ever come across a story that centres around not a character but rather an object instead? Did you think it was extremely creative the way the author pulled it off? Did you think to yourself that you'd love to write something like that but just haven't ever gotten around to doing it because you like sticking to your comfort zone of characters? Well this contest can help with that!

Objects and Your Objectives is a contest hosted by chasing stars that challenges users to either pick an object from the host's list or suggest one that's none on there and write a one-shot that is centred around that object in a creative manner! It's as simple as that!

Rating: any
Word Limit: more than 500 words, no maximum, no longer than a one-shot
Prewrites: not allowed
Exemptions: none


To enter: none
For entries: 25th October

Original Fiction M/M

One of the best romances around is that of bromance, which is when two males share a close relationship without any form of sexual aspect involved. But bromance isn't the only romance that two males can share and this is a contest that celebrates all types of romance that men can share.

understand wants users to write a story that centres around two men in a relationship, whether good or bad, sexual or non-sexual, for her Original Fiction M/M contest. So a bad non-sexual relationship is accepted as close friends can be bad influences on each other, and good sexual relationships are accepted which emphasis a loving couple. So if you like writing about male relationships with each other, this contest is for you! And with smut not allowed, it could even be a challenge for you if you normally write a sexual relationship involving smut and would like to try one that doesn't involve smut!

Rating: any
Word Limit: any
Prewrites: allowed
Exemptions: no smut


To enter: none
For entries: 30th September

Feel free to PM me any recommendations for October's set of featured contests!

Special thanks to psychotic secrets; and Airi. for editing.

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