Featured Story of the Week: The Ace of Diamonds

The Ace of Diamonds is a riveting fan fiction based on popular television series, Once Upon a Time. In this week's Featured Story, we take a closer look at this awesome work!

Give a brief summary of The Ace of Diamonds.

It's a fanfic of Once Upon a Time, mainly Captain Hook. I personified the playing card into a soldier named Aria. Basically, a very powerful diamond belonging to the queen of diamonds is stolen and Aria has to return it. Captain Hook is the pirate who stole it and decides to help Aria find it, hoping for something in return.

What inspired you to write Ace of Diamonds?

I don't really remember. I think I was just watching the show and fell in love with Hook's character. I guess the original story of Alice in Wonderland. I liked how there was the Queen of Hearts and her playing card soldiers. Also, I'm a big fan of The Looking Glass Wars, a series by Frank Beddor. I just really love Wonderland and all its adaptations.

How long have you been working on this story?

Once again, I don't remember... Maybe a few months. I run through it in my head first. What I want to do, what I want my characters to be like and where I want to go with the plot. Then I write it all down.

What is your favorite thing about writing Ace of Diamonds?

I like the freedom in it. I've made up my own little universe where anything can happen. I like making up the different cultures within the story, that's always a lot of fun. I plan on making this an original story someday but for now it's good to have the TV show to fall back on if I ever get really stuck with it.

What is the most challenging thing about writing Ace of Diamonds?

It's my first time writing in third person. I sometimes find that difficult but I wanted to improve it for future use. Another thing I've always found difficult in writing is coming up with names for people and places.

Have you ever experienced writer's block with this story? If so, how do you overcome it?

I have writer's block right now actually! Luckily for any of my readers I always have a few chapters stored before I upload the first one. What I do is I daydream about it, listen to music and sit down and make myself write it. I really enjoy writing and I want to continue so it never seems like a chore. I write and eventually an idea would come or I'd look at it and think, no I could do something different here. It writes itself most of the time. It also helps to take down notes at 3 AM in the morning when I can't sleep!

Do you write with an outline, or just wing it?

No, I don't write with an outline but I do have some sort of plan. It's the small details that catch me out, such as getting from one major place in the story to another. I feel that if I wrote an outline I would stick too closely to it and I wouldn't be able to expand the story.

Do you have any pre/post writing rituals?

Not really. I either want to write or I don't. Listening to soundtracks beforehand helps now and then.

Is there anything you would like to say to your readers?

I'd like to just thank them for taking the time to read something I work on. It means so much. Also, don't be afraid to talk to me. I'll take compliments, constructive criticism or suggestions! I'm looking to improve my writing skills.

Special thanks to Fandango and Maddi; for editing!

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