Featured Story of the Week: Normal to Royal

Normal to Royal is a wonderful Prince Harry fan fiction. In this week's Featured Story, we take a closer look at this work.

Give us a brief summary about Normal to Royal.

Normal to Royal is about a girl whose family makes a big change and heads to England from Boston and while there she meets & falls in love with Prince Harry.

What inspired you to write Normal to Royal?

I'm a huge fan of the Royal family mostly Harry but I hadn't seen any new stories on him so I wrote my own.

How long have you been working on this story?

2 months but I've had the idea for maybe 5 I just never wrote it down until now.

What is your favorite thing about writing Normal to Royal?

My favorite thing is thinking of all the possibilities I can give my characters story line.

What is the most challenging thing about writing it?

Coming up with new things to write about new places to take them I don't want to make the story too happy go lucky.

Have you ever experienced writer's block with this story? If so, how did you overcome it?

Definitely, especially around the first couple of chapters. I still get it now and then but I listen to music and step away from the story for a while until I feel inspired.

Do you write with an outline, or just wing it?

I wing it, I tried writing an outline before but my mind kept going blank so now I write what feels natural in the moment.

Do you have any pre/post writing rituals?

Not really I just like the quiet while I'm writing and when I feel comfortable with what I'm writing I play music.

Is there anything you would like to say to your readers?

You guys inspire me to keep writing even when I want to just delete everything and give up. I really appreciate all the support you guys give me by continuing to read. I always give this story my undivided attention because I would never want you guys to read a crappy chapter. You guys are truly the best inspiration I could ask for so thank you for all the support.

Special thanks to house of cards. and Maddi; for editing!

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