Original Fiction of the Week: Ache With Me

Ache With Me is a wonderful original fiction written by Mibbian, Deadlihood. In this edition of Featured Story of the Week, we take a closer look at this wonderful work.

Give us a brief summary of Ache With Me.

Ache With Me is about being young and in love and experiencing that “us against the world” feeling for the first time. It’s about living in Seattle and taking life’s challenges in stride and doing it with the person you love best at your side. Lily and Max, the main characters, are in their mid-20s and dealing with their problems as they come. I wish I could say more, but there are a few elements of the plot I can’t give away just yet.

What inspired you to write Ache With Me?

I don’t usually write original fiction (I mostly work in fan-fiction) so I wanted to try something different in terms of genre. I also wanted to write a story that was sweet and romantic, but didn’t gloss over the hurdles that people have to jump in life. Basically, I wanted to write something that was realistic romance.

How long have you been working on this story?

I started this story last summer and wrote about half of it before filing it away when I started my first year of college. But now that I’m on summer break again, I decided it was time to unveil this piece and start posting it on Mibba.

What is your favorite thing about writing Ache With Me?

I love the characters. Lily and Max are two of my favorite characters that I’ve ever written, and some of the supporting cast of characters are fantastic as well, especially Hunter.

What is the most challenging thing about writing it?

As I said before, I usually work in fan-fiction and so at least some of the characters are fully developed people with personalities already. But in original fiction, the entire cast comes out of my head, so I found it a little difficult to make that switch to creating distinct personalities and backstories for each character.

Have you ever experienced writer's block with this story? If so, how did you overcome it?

I didn’t ever really experience writer’s block with this particular story, but if I did I think I would go back to my outline and try to flesh it out more so I could get the story moving again.

Do you write with an outline, or just wing it?

I prefer to write with an outline, even if it’s just the title of the chapter and a one sentence description of what I need to get out in that chapter.

Do you have any pre/post writing rituals?

I reread the last chapter I wrote before I start and then I drink a cup of coffee while I work.

Is there anything you would like to say to your readers?

Thank you for reading! I appreciate everyone who takes the time to read my work, especially something that’s an original work.

Special thanks to silent hearts. and Fandango for editing!

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