Writing Focus: Deus ex Machina

Literary devices can be difficult to work into a piece of writing or to use, but Deus ex Machina is one of the more easy-to-use of those literary devices! If a writer has written themselves into a corner or wants to surprise the reader, this is the literary device to use!

What Is Deus ex Machina?

Deus ex Machina (translating from Latin as God From the Machine) is the introduction of a new character, object, plotline or skill to get over what had seemed to be an impossible problem to solve. This is commonly used for comedic value in comic books, but can also be used if a writer cannot seem to write their way out of an already well-established plotline. It can also be used to introduce the element of surprise to the reader – naturally, a new introduction to solve a problem will leave the reader shocked and surprised, so it can work very well when used in crime or mystery fiction.


As much as Deus ex Machina allows you to write out of a tight spot, don’t over-use it. If you do, your story will become confusing and nonsensical and unless that’s the idea you’re going for, you might just lose readers. Also, don’t get lazy! Just because it’s a plot device and can be used to further your story quickly, you shouldn’t use it if you already have a reasonable resolve in mind for the problem.

If you’re going to use Deus ex Machina to further your plot out of a dry spot, then make sure you plan ahead to include the new object, plotline, character or skill in the writing afterwards. Mentioning it once and then never mentioning it again will leave your readers wondering if you added it in because you were stuck, whereas using it again later on in the story will give it cohesion with the rest of your story.


Looking to use Deus ex Machina in your writing but unsure how to go about it? Check out these prompts for some inspiration!

  1. Write a crime fiction where the criminal is someone completely different to the prime suspect.
  2. Write a well-fleshed-out plot, where your main character gets into a seemingly impossible-to-escape predicament. Use a shock twist such as aliens, magic or gods to remove your character from the predicament.

Deus ex Machina is an exceptionally difficult plot device to pull off, and even more difficult to learn but it can be used to add some extra pizazz to a story that is lacking in the surprise department. Why not give it a go today?

Special thanks to elixir, poison and blood and Goddess_Of_Muse for editing!

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