Featured Poem: Body Beautiful

Body Beautiful is a wonderful poem written by PierceMyHeart. In this edition of Featured Poem, we take a closer look at this wonderful work.

How would you summarize Body Beautiful?

It's about the beauty of the human body and lust...lol

How did you choose the title for it?

The poem title was my immediate thoughts about this person's body the minute I laid eyes upon this person.

What inspired you to write this poem?

Well, while out venturing in the heat here in the South, I saw someone with a body of just pure perfection, it rendered me speechless, I began immediately on the spot to daydream.

What was your favorite thing about writing Body Beautiful?

How I was able to just write the poem without much though, I took me maybe 10 minutes to write it.

When writing, do you have any rituals you follow?

Yes, I take notes when I have ideas for poems, and titles, I usually lock myself away in a room where it's quiet.

Is there anything you would like to say to anyone who reads your poem?

I hope they enjoy it.

Do you have any other poems you think people would enjoy?

How Still My Love, I Carry Your Heart, and Heartache Fade Away.

Special thanks to silent hearts., poison and blood and elixir for editing!

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