Featured Poem: Selfless Love

Selfless Love is a wonderful poem written by MirageOnTheHorizon. Sterling enjoys writing a lot of different poetry of many styles. Selfless Love is just one of the many brilliant works he has created. His other works include It Is What It Is, A Look I Know, From Whence It Came, The Fruit We No Longer Bare and many more.

In this week's Featured Poem, we get up close and personal with this clever piece to learn all about Selfless Love and how it came to be.

How would you summarize Selfless Love?

How focused we are with our own stories, when we have the power to improve many other stories along the way.

How did you choose the title?

I wrote the poem after the title.

What inspired you to write this poem?

Same as my summary.

What is your favorite thing about writing poetry?

It's relaxing.

When writing, do you have any rituals you follow?

I sit alone on back porch and smoke.

Is there anything you would like to say to anyone who reads your poem?

Thanks for taking the time to read my poem.

Do you have any other poems people would enjoy?

Maybe I've seen stranger things.

Special thanks to Goddess_Of_Muse and silent hearts. for editing!

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