Featured Poem: Jacksonville Weather

Jacksonville Weather is a beautiful poem about feelings of homesickness and what it's like to leave your home for the first time. In this week's Featured Poem, Kelly tells us all about her wonderful poem.

How would you summarize Jacksonville Weather?

This poem is basically about a recent wave of homesickness I've experienced. This semester of college has been really difficult so far, and it seems like every time I visit home for the weekend, it gets harder to leave. I always have too many other worries on my mind when I'm trying to enjoy the free time that I do have.

How did you choose the title for it?

I'm going to school in central Florida, which seems to be behind in getting cool weather. At this time of year in Jacksonville (my hometown, of course), it's pretty chilly, though it's not too bad. The weather is just one little slice of familiarity that I miss.

What inspired you to write this poem?

I've always handled homesickness horribly, but for the past few months it's been especially rough. A few days ago I had a fairly simple rush of inspiration, and the poem is a bit blunt because of that, but I've never been very good at making metaphors out of my feelings.

What was your favorite thing about writing Jacksonville Weather?

I don't usually write free-verse poetry, or poetry that isn't lyrics, but this one just came naturally because of how personal it was. It was nostalgic in a way, but also very sad to write.

When writing, do you have any rituals you follow?

When I write prose, I always have music playing in the background, but when I work on poetry or songs, I can't have any noise around me. I have to be completely immersed in what I'm doing in order to focus on making everything come through in just the right way.

Is there anything you would like to say to anyone who reads your poem?

If you're ever somewhere you wish you weren't, then buddy, you're not alone!

Do you have any other poems you think people would enjoy?

Backpack is another poem I wrote about growing up, and Hey Little Sister is an older song for anyone who wishes they could give advice to their younger self!

Special thanks to elixir and Audrey T. for editing!

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