Featured Poem: A Wonderful Mistake

A Wonderful Mistake is a wonderful poem about being optimistic even when there is the possibility that you will get hurt in the end. In this week's Featured Poem, Brianna tells us all about her work.

How would you summarize A Wonderful Mistake?

A Wonderful Mistake is about stupid wishful thinking, and above all it explains that you have to be careful what you wish for.

How did you choose the title for it?

It took me some time because when I think of a title, I want it to be related to the poem itself, so A Wonderful Mistake fit the poem perfectly.

What inspired you to write this poem?

I always wish things that maybe I regret towards in the end, I know people who have made the same mistakes.

What was your favorite thing about writing A Wonderful Mistake?

The fact it was based on true facts and experiences.

When writing, do you have any rituals you follow?

Not really, I'm mostly the type of writer who comes up with stuff to write off the top of my head, so when it comes to me, I write it down.

Is there anything you would like to say to anyone who reads your poem?

Just remember, be careful what you wish for, and wish wisely.

Do you have any other poems you think people would enjoy?

Most of my poems are funny and entirely fictional, so if you enjoy a laugh, read 'em all.

Special thanks to silent hearts. and Audrey T. for editing!

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