Fan Fiction of the Week: Master of Timing

Master of Timing is a wonderful fan fiction featuring Sidney Crosby: infamous hockey player. This romance story revolves around two very different people, Lyndsey and Sidney, and their incredible journey.

Give us a brief summary of Master of Timing.

Some would say it’s a coincidence. Others might call it fate. For Lyndsey and Sidney, it’s a little of both, just being in the right place at the right time. It’s usually right around the time you stop looking for something, that it turns up. Sometimes, it’s just in a different package to what you were expecting.

What inspired you to write Master of Timing?

Sidney Crosby’s glorious butt (I’m not kidding either, it’s a great butt). In all seriousness, talking to my lovely friend Lyndsey (pawnsinplay), who is a great writer and one of the most amazing friends I've ever actually had the chance to meet in person. We talked about all things hockey, and the idea just came to me to write about a player. Crosby is Lyndsey’s favourite, so when inspiration struck I used her as the OC.

How long have you been working on this story?

Less than a month. I get ideas throughout my day and try to jot them down, then go home from work and sit down at my computer and write. Some days it’s nothing, but mostly I get through half or one full chapter.

What is your favorite thing about writing Master of Timing?

How it surprises me every time I go to write a new chapter and how easy it is to get lost in it. I could just stare at words on a screen and then something magical happens and suddenly it's 2am and I have to be up for work five hours later. That, and the fantastic text dialogue between Lyndsey and Kate, which is 99% basically a snap shot of our real conversations. Sometimes I make it up, other times I throw our talks in there to surprise her. And I’d like to think that it keeps the story real and from a 18-30 year old’s perspective because I would definitely freak out exactly the same way I wrote it if this situation happened in real life.

What is the most challenging thing about writing it?

I haven’t written anything in nearly two years, and before then I was updating another two stories plus one shots religiously. Getting back into the groove, and trying to come up with situations to keep the story flowing. It’s hard when I know none of the medical side, but Lyndsey is only a text message away so she provides all the correct info when I need it.

Have you ever experienced writer's block with this story? If so, how did you overcome it?

Nearly every day, at some point. Tumblr is a great source of inspiration, for pictures and quotes. The quote from the story is actually a friend of mine who has a few books out, and I just go to his page and get lost for a few hours, finding words or sentences that strike my fancy.

Do you write with an outline, or just wing it?

I just wing it. I have the general idea of how I want the story to go in my head, and sometimes the timeline gets switched around once I put the ideas into perspective. I have no idea how this story is going to end up, but that’s half the fun. Also, the feedback from readers sometimes influences me with where the next chapter goes, so I’m kind of leaving it up to chance and if they ask a pretty interesting question, I’ll take it on board and sometimes the story takes a different direction.

Do you have any pre/post writing rituals?

I always re-read the previous chapter, and check the story comments as well before I sit down to continue the story. And once I reach a point that I don’t want to write after anymore, any ideas for further chapters I put down in dot point form and keep for future reference.

Is there anything you would like to say to your readers?

Uhm, they are amazeballs! I've never had feedback on one of my stories like I have with this one, and it just blows my mind. I sit on my bed in my tiny house in Australia with my laptop and have the biggest, stupidest grin on my face every time I look at the stats to see new subscribers or comments. And I barely know any of these people! It leaves me with all kinds of warm fuzzies, and I love them all for it. They’re all so cute, imma keep them 5eva!

Special thanks to Audrey T. and silent hearts. for editing!

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