Featured: Mibba's "Sticking To It!" Contest Winners!

After a lengthy break, the new year provided a perfect time to reboot the Magazine's monthly contests and the turn-out was great! Armed with the task of incorporating the time of year with the contest's topic, users dove into their entries with eagerness and really got creative with the theme of resolutions. Then the deadline came and judging started, and the results are in!

In first place for the stories is The Fat Bubble Gum by maudaah. Taking a different direction than the norm, this story starts with the protagonist recalling the past, illuminating how common-place being unkind towards a classmate was, and then steaming towards the resolution that clearly speaks volumes to anyone that can relate to it.

Second place is awarded to meg's red lips's piece, Resolve to Resolve. Written as a series of blog posts, this entry has a woman determined to change her life, bit by bit, in order to become happier. As a simple, uplifting piece, this truly deserves its place!

Her Only Wish by XXXataktoulaXXX was the only poem submitted, which lands it with the first place title in the poem category, but that doesn't mean it isn't entirely deserving of that place! With a heart-breaking situation, the narrator can only look on as her friend struggles to keep her resolution that seems almost impossible to obtain.

Many people resolve to make resolutions in the newness of the year but then fail to stick to one less than a month later. Mibbians are the same, and while some successfully keep at their promises, many overestimate their drive to complete a resolution that was set months ago. But whether you're looking for a fictional character that failed to keep their resolution in order to feel better about yourself, or you're interested in seeing what promises each entry holds, the entries of January's contest is sure to interest you! All entries can be found in the contest thread, and perhaps one might even give you a boost in your resolve!

Special thanks to Audrey T and elixir for editing.

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