Writing With: swell

swell is an incredible writer who has a wide range of mainly original fictions, but also a fair amount of fan fictions. Currently, she is working on The F*ckers and Covert.

The F*ckers

“I created the idea of a girl who moves in with the Tucker family, after the death of her younger brother for which she feels responsible. Generally, in these types of stories, the story is light-hearted and funny, but I wanted to write something that wasn't in my comfort zone, [for example] writing something dark and depressing.”

This story describes the tragedies that occurred in Addie’s life, such as losing her eleven-year-old brother named Ben, and its heavy consequences.

“She’s the one who, when I made several attempts to restart this story, I think about the most. She blamed herself for a death that wasn't her fault, and she's had to carry the guilt and pain around with her that no one should have to go through. Her family has abandoned her in order to deal with their loss, she's blocked out any sort of emotional support and turns to alcohol and drugs to deal with the pain. She's one of the more difficult characters I've had to write about because I can't relate to her, but I'm determined to bring her character to justice and write the best damn story for Addie.”

When asked about future plans for this story, Alex says, “I would love to publish this after some extreme editing and drafting, but I hope that this story comes across as a girl trying to overcome her grief to achieve happiness rather than a girl who moves in with a family of boys and let's see how this plays out.”


“This story started out as a dream I had, where I was the main character who was an undercover agent while also attending US college. I met a cute guy and explored my sexuality and did what Americans do in college movies, while also kicking ass at the same time. That with my love for criminal based shows and my growing interest in them inspired me to want to write something that was dark but still had elements of humour and romance.”

Covert is about Jade Emmons, who happens to work for the FBI as an undercover university student at San Francisco University. Her goal is to find leads on the unsolved and continuous murders of female students at the university.

“I love that this story is not completely based on the crimes or the romance or the drama, there's a bit of everything happening at once so it's not just one main plot that's going on. The other story I'm writing at the moment is quite heavy, so to write something that's a little lighter balances my mood out nicely. I'd love to publish this story too! I think it'd be cool if it was made into a movie—it's definitely a movie I'd be interested in seeing.”

Alex’s writing habits vary. “I like writing late at night, when I'm in bed with my laptop resting on my legs and headphones in. That's about as far as I go in terms of habits. Oh, and sometimes I like to have a random playlist on Spotify playing but that's it.”

Ever since 2008, she loved “How kind and friendly everyone is!” affirming that, “[Mibba is] the cutest, most supporting and level-headed community.” And as a Mibbian, she says, “I like to think I'm pretty chill—who fangirls about certain TV shows, Mibbians, boys… the list is endless.”

Special thanks to cleopatra. and losing control. for editing!

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