My Dreams and Aspirations in Life.

Wow. Big title. Well, I better get started.1. Have a Family.This is one of the most important things I want. I want to be a mum, a wife, and grandma and more. I want to be happy with who I am with, I want them to love me no matter what. I want to be a great person, and be an inspiration to others.2. To know who I really am.I want to know reeal bad. But being on 13, it's a little on the confusing...
April 14th, 2009 at 07:50am

The Story of Livee's Ball.

So one day (a.k.a the last day of term) my friends and I were sitting on the field. There we saw Kwannies. Our school has a field and the boys school next to us has a field. The only thing separating us is a footpath. So Kwannie walks up to the D Boys and says hey etc. The D boys were playing soccer, so Me and Livee decided we wanted to get their attention. We found a tennis ball on the field and...
April 13th, 2009 at 11:31am

First Entry. Woo.

Hey there.Emilys` the name.Awesome much?Nawt.Well.. I live at my G-Pa's house at the moment as my parents are building us a new house to live in.So it's me, my sister (A), my brother (R), my mum and my dad in.. 3 rooms, 1 bathroom and one study. Shared kitchen with my G-Pa.I go to a private school.. After 6 years of public (primary) I decided that going to an all girls' school would be 'cool'...
April 13th, 2009 at 09:06am