
United States
Joined date
April 14th, 2009


I can positively say that I've grown as a writer, and a person. I'm growing more everyday, but I'm to the point where I realize it, and I feel it. I'm not a kid anymore, I don't have the life I want, but when I write I put my heart into it. For a few hours I get lost in a what could be, then I notice how cramped my fingers are. I'd be very appreciative if you gave me a chance, read my stories, critiqued me on them (be as brutal as possible), and give me advice. I'm open to learning, I'm open to hearing things that I don't want to hear. I know it's a chore, and some of you are very lazy, such as myself, but I can promise there will be a fruit basket or two in it for you if you do that tiny little favor I asked of you. After all, you are what keeps the flame going, you are the oxygen.
So breathe a little, for me.
xx Ariel