stories fragments

I do have every intention of becoming a writer however currently i have only 2 stories done one a cinderella story from the slippers point of view which much to my dismay is currently missing and two a childrens story i wrote in kindergarten or first grade and i must say is surprisingly good. but neither of those have much to do with this post. i want to know if anybody wants to hear my story...
April 29th, 2009 at 03:58am

Entry 1 ( for lack of a better name)

Hi im Jesse or Apple or Apple Pie or just plain Pie whatever. So to answer some comment questions im doing fine and the sky is whats up (haha) ok so seriously i get up i go to school i sleep through school due to sheer boredom i come home i contimplate doing homework rarely actually do the homework instead i nap or read or occasionally write (tons of story fragments 2 that are finsihed but hey ill...
April 24th, 2009 at 06:06am