And If I Don't Wake Up...

Recently, I've met a guy who is into Psychology. His name's David, he's a sweet, caring, homosexual man.His analysis techniques have started to rub off on me, as I have been watching people's emotions and the way they express them.Since I was young, I've had a bit of a sixth sense. Like sometime, I could tell what someone was thinking. Sometimes I can predict things weeks before they happen. This...
March 12th, 2008 at 12:49pm

The Curse Of A Cold.

Damn.I've been struck by a damn cold.So I shall be at home all day writing for my story "I'd Sacrifice This World To Hold You"Everyone is catching it. It's like the bloody plague among me and the people I know.I reckon I will find the cure for common cold. Or just send everyone onto Mibba to kill the time until this terrible curse passes over us.If anyone else is not very well, comment me, and we...
March 11th, 2008 at 04:46pm