Logan Lerman / Comments

  • Haha nothing really. I've been too shy to talk to him most of the time,
    but my best friend and I made these shirts with them on it and they said
    "Forever The Sickest Kids are our Homeboys," and he was like,
    "Dude, those are sick!" Then he started asking where the pictures were from and how he didn't even remember the photoshoot. Haha
    June 1st, 2009 at 10:10pm
  • Yea I know ay. I didn't want to go on Friday and just do the test on Monday but I hvae to go :( the whole time I'm going to be like jumping up and down in my seat excited the whole time lol

    Yea I follow them too but I only saw the 'I miss you' because the different time zones but I thought there was something going on.

    Maybe cause there both on different tours..
    June 1st, 2009 at 02:37pm
  • haha fair enough.
    Yea I know but if I get there early enough I should hopefully get up front, my friend and I are walking home from school after two periods cause we have an exam so we can get ready and leave cause we want to get their early :D

    OMG really!? I wasn't sure if they were on not, Im happy for them xD
    Yea I agree with you, seriously I always thought her and gabe would be good together, but im happy for them anyway cause it is like two people from some of my favorite bands.
    How'd you find out??
    June 1st, 2009 at 07:55am
  • I asked Alex why they cancelled my hometown show and crap.. Then my friend and I sat with Jack for two hours and we just talked about the most random stuff. We talked about peanut butter, falling backwards on chairs, hats, AIDS, marker pens, chinese food and other stuff that I can't remember.. lmfao.
    June 1st, 2009 at 05:51am
  • That's not too far!
    It'll be June before you even know it. Haha

    Marc and Kent are my bestfriend's favorites! Haha
    Oh man, you need to meet Kyle.
    I've met him three times. He's soooo nice. :]
    June 1st, 2009 at 05:02am
  • Autographs didn't even cross my mind, when I met All Time Low.
    I was just all for having a decent conversation and a laugh with them.

    Aw, I love This Providence. I want them to come back to the UK, dammit.
    June 1st, 2009 at 04:33am
  • I've met them all :D I just hated how the other pictures turned out, hahah.

    I'm so persistent when it comes to meeting band members :(
    June 1st, 2009 at 02:43am
  • Haha you're welcome!

    I'm going to see This Providence in like, a month or so.
    I'll make sure to watch him walk. Haha

    Thank you!
    I do tooooo.
    He's my favorite <33
    June 1st, 2009 at 01:35am
  • Good!
    I'm pretty good, thank you. Can't complain :)

    He is, indeed. I love yours, as well. You can't go wrong with a bit o' The Maine :D
    June 1st, 2009 at 12:57am
  • Thank you, for the friend request.
    How are you? :)
    May 31st, 2009 at 11:15pm
  • haha I will try :P

    Yea but it is not with alex, cause I saw this thing on google or somewhere and clicked on it and some perosn asked a questions saying is jack barakat an zack merrick gay together cause neither of them have girlfriends and the rest do :O Im like what!! ohhh corse not you idiot..

    Good luck with that, will you have to get their heaps early to get up here??
    I have seen videos and pictures of warped tour, the people up on the baricades look like really squished I feel sorry for them, Hahaha id be like 'if you squish me ill break your nose'.
    Ohh and wont you have to be up front for the whole day??

    I really want to get up front for all time low, hopefully if I get there early enough.
    May 31st, 2009 at 01:56pm
  • Hahaha I agree.
    You know how ryan ross broke up with his girlfriend? well maybe not but he did and apparently from her blog he 'cheated' on her and my friend is like haha yea probably with brendon :P

    He is soo not gay!!
    I think people get that impression like same with jack barakat cause there all out there and everything and people just think weird things.
    I have the best pic of john ohh and kyle it was from when they were on their tour bus and kyle has the biggest smile on his face.

    I have'nt tried it on my mobile but I doubt it will let me.
    May 31st, 2009 at 09:49am
  • haha yea there like little paragraphs inside each comment.
    I write a lot sorry.

    yea it is good xD

    bahahahahaha maybe thats why it does'nt let you send him messages anymore :P I went to send him one and it would'nt let me something about his away message was somthing I don't know but he was online so?? I have no clue.

    When you said you have no life I believe you now haha jokes :P I did'nt know when he lost his virginity lol but alex gaskarth lost his at 15 or 14 :| and I have no life either haha.

    Hahaha I would love to see his reaction.
    Id be like 'just some more stuff to add to your stash'

    Haha don't worry my friend and I use to rip ryan ross of from panic at the disco heaps lol like him and william beckett are gay together haha because we saw TAI and PATD in sydney and just made up heaps of crap it was fun.... but im quite sure its not true, hopefully :\ except chris's 'habbit' is true..
    May 30th, 2009 at 03:28pm
  • yea they are.
    hahahaha thats soo funny, yea a lot of people would probably hate you for it lol,

    I was just on his myspace cause it said he posted a new blog and song and the blog is about his new song and it had the lyrics and he goes what do you think this song is about?? Im like weed cause now the first thing I think about when I think of chris is weed hahaha

    I always thought he was a bit too happy with love and everything lol

    I saw that when I searched alex gaskarth i think it was and i have started to read it, im reading it now xD
    May 30th, 2009 at 02:51pm
  • Hahaha when you listen to it have you heard his voice to he is like 'HAPPY' his voice pitch goes soo high and it like maybe he is high :O haha
    Make a video lol what on youtube?? people will be like narh arhh it is soo about a girl not weed haha.
    But I still love him and his music :)

    yea he is doing the whole hippie thing lol like peace, love, drugs hahaha
    May 30th, 2009 at 02:09pm
  • OMG really??? :O
    I never even knew he smoked weed, is'nt that illegal or not or is that the other dugs??

    I agree with you cause your would'nt want kids smoking it, it messes with your head, bad!!

    Yea I like his music too, now that you mention it I know where he gets his influences for some of his songs, example happy :|

    haha yea xD
    May 30th, 2009 at 12:41pm
  • yea hopefully I can.
    What i have heard from people that have met them they are really nice :)

    omg that would be so cool, hopefully you do xD

    Christopher drew is soo cute xD it would pretty awesome to met him.
    haha kyle is soo funny, you will probably have a good chance of metting him at warped tour cause he walks around a lot so keep your eyes open ;)

    haha neither do I don't worry :P
    May 30th, 2009 at 11:29am
  • Yea :| for ATL im leaving at 12 midday to get there so I can get there early and get a spot for 7:30 thats how bad it is.
    Do you go into the city much??
    Yea I would say sydney is a mini new york but actually quite different still haha I make no sense.
    But the worst thing about sydney is the tourist most of the population of sydney is tourist.

    Thats still a lot :D
    Ohh you know how I said I can'nt met all time low on the monday, I might met them on the friday when I got to their show xD cause I was talking to a band stealing o'neal who are playing with all time low and they said they are all sticking around till after the show and there is a party thing and I can go (:
    May 29th, 2009 at 01:27pm
  • Um.
    Thank you for the story comment. I didn't think anyone read that.

    It was ment to be a story, but then I was like, where the fuck could this go? So I just left it as a cute little one shot.

    If you really think i should continue it, you should throw out ideas. haha.
    May 28th, 2009 at 10:47pm
  • Yeahh
    I Reaally Wanna Do A Foreign Excahnge Trip Though =/
    May 28th, 2009 at 10:16pm