so unplug the stars they don't deserve

about Well.... Awkward... my name is Naomi i am currently in year 9 and have been on this earth for 13 years....i am a closet genius, currently residing in melbourne Australia, i tend to make the same mistakes in life repeatedly.. things i love: - Jonas Brothers - Justin Bieber - Avenged sevenfold - Hollywood Undead - Toy Story 1 2 and 3 - Twilight saga ( but kristen stewart and robert Pattinson creep me out in real life) - All Time Low - Stereo skyline are my world - Pixar movies are the best about about about
- Addicted to Junk food I do One-shots so just send me a message telling me who you want it on and all that stuffcomment

why don't you come back to me tonight

I'll Let you Love
chapters: 4
characters:Joe Jonas And Naomi Vengesai
genre:Fan fiction

chapters: Coming Soon
characters:Justin Bieber and Olivia Wynd
genre: type

Time Is Of the essence
chapters:coming soon
characters:Jacob Black and rennesmee Cullen
genre: Fan fiction

when your heart beats safe and sound

coding: ultraviolet