greatest thing

WHEN || date@time
JAMZ || song
MOOD || your mood

Blah blah blah, write whatever you want here. Put your plans and your updates on stories, poems, whatever.

Rant about how much you hate technology and fluffy marshmallows. Tell everyone your secret fetish with maple syrup.

bold | italics | underline | strike

ever imagine

Put whatever you want here, if you actually need to, like some people.
xD I don't care.
Delete if you want.

leave walking

?Title of Story
The Babe // Name
Status // Number

?Title of Story
The Babe // Name
Status // Number

?Title of Story
The Babe // Name
Status // Number

?Title of Story
The Babe // Name
Status // Number

?Title of Story
The Babe // Name
Status // Number

knowing me

I go by the name of Cathy, and live in Iceland. I spend my time dancing and playing golf. I love to chug Fanta like there's no tomorrow, and live in the moment.

I'm a country singin' girl, and can't get enough of those darlin' boys cowboys. Short Stack makes me thrive, and I'm addicted to white chocolate.

Talk to me; I don't bite (;

Talk talk talk all you want, make up some shit about how you're a famous star, I don't care.

less pathetic wine


better blend

Put whatever you want here-- contact info, random stuff, lists.

you're there

Content: Your name here. (:
Headers: Pas De Cheval by Panic at the Disco
Coding:X Something Sweet X
where i'm at

?My Gaia
?My Youtube
?My Blog
?My Deviantart
?My Goodreads

bold | italics | underline | strike

I gobble books like nom nom nom

?My Goodreads
Reading: I'm currently reading a bunch of books, at random. I just got done with rereading the Harry Potter series. Jams: I tend to listen to Jack Johnson and Edith Piaf while writing, because usually other music is too distracting. (Plus I can't possibly sing along to anything by those two.)
What I Like

Things. I like a lot of stuff.

?Welcome to Cransville
My attempt at a vampire story... Probably won't be continued //

A kind of random piece of writing to begin a story. //
Might be continued //

?A Story With a Girl Named Kay
Mostly takes place in a bar. //
Might be continued //

To be honest, this isn't a very happy story. It'll get better, I promise. //
Might be continued //

?Qualified Affections
Written by Danny Complete
A short story written for my English class. Personally one of my favorites. Complete
knowing me

I go by the name of Lilly, and reside in Wisconsin.

I like to sing, draw, watch movies, spend time with my sisters, dance (I can't dance), take pictures, do computer things, make lists, go to school, write, make collages and other artistic stuff, play the cello, and learn.

Trying to Learn: ~ Italian ~ acoustic guitar

For some reason I thought that if I get my Mibba profile a different background (one that didn't stink), I would be more up to writing stuff. :0)

To Add to My Ever growing vocabulary

~pretentious: to be showy; pompous; over exaggerate own importance; pretend to be something their not. ________ ~erroneous: (uh-roh-nee-uhs) containing error; mistaken, incorrect, wrong.

This Background Info

Content: Love Fingers(:
Headers: Pas De Cheval by Panic at the Disco Coding:X Something Sweet X