Colour Blind

Colour Blind
United States
Joined date
April 21st, 2009


I’m not someone you want to meet.
If you saw me walking down the street,
You’d walk on by without a care.
Maybe, just maybe, stop to stare.
I drink and smoke, and I do drugs.
All those against it, get answered with shrugs.
I don’t care what you think of me.
I like who I am, I’m who I want to be.
- Victory Nelson

Victory Nelson is my name, but don’t call me that.
I go by Tory, or Vicky (if you must).
I am 16-years-old, going on 17, soon.
I’m not what you’d expect, don’t like it…Oh well.
I am not here for you to like me, I’m here because I want to be.
I chose this, don’t make me regret it.

If you want to talk to me, say something interesting.
I do not tolerate chatspeak.
I do not tolerate stupid questions.
Ask me “What’s up?” and I won’t reply.
Ask me something I don’t like, I will be an ass.
Get over it, the world doesn’t revolve around you, and I’m here to prove that.

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